Composition of the Committee

The IFIP TC12 Technical Committee is composed of:

  • one representative appointed by each Full Member of IFIP;
  • one or more representatives recommended by the TC and accepted by the relevant Full Member of IFIP;

Both of these categories of members will be appointed by the Technical Committee Chairman, have full voting rights and are eligible for elections as officers.

  • any number of persons (not exceeding 25% of the total TC membership) who possess expert or specialist knowledge, who need not be members of an IFIP Member organization.

Such persons will be appointed by the Technical Committee Chairman on the recommendation of the TC. They will have no formal vote nor be eligible for election as officers of the Committee.

  • Working Group Chairs are ex-officio members of the Committee for the duration of their terms of office, with full voting rights.

The Chairman of TC12 must be recommended by the TC and is appointed by the President of IFIP. The Chairman must be a member of the TC, shall serve for a term of three years and may be re-appointed for one additional term.

The Chairman of TC12 may designate a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary with the approval of the TC. The Vice-Chairman must be a member of the TC, shall serve for a term of three years and may be designated for one additional term. The term of office for Secretaries is three years which may be renewed without any limitation.

Responsibilities of National Representatives

The mission of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is to be the foremost international organization encouraging and assisting in the development, exploitation and application of Information Technology for the benefit of all people. To achieve this, IFIP has organized twelve Technical Committees that facilitate the investigation and forward progress of Information Processing.

Dedicated and productive participation in the various Technical Committees is critical to success. Each member of a Technical Committee has an obligation to work towards achieving the specific individual goals of the Technical Committee and its Working Groups. In particular, National Representatives on Technical Committees are required to be active researchers in the field relevant to the particular Technical Committee and to be actively interested in the promotion of the global mission and goals of IFIP in general and of the Technical Committee in particular.

The following outlines particular responsibilities of National Representatives:

  • Meetings of the Technical Committee
    • To attend scheduled meetings on a regular basis or provide prior notification of planned absence.
    • To provide the Technical Committee with occasional reports on relevant discoveries, activities and events in their home countries.
  • Technical Committee Activities
    • To participate in Technical Committee events and activities.
    • To assist with the identification of areas of advancement and improvement supporting continuation of IFIP s global mission and goals.
    • To provide information about individual research communities, activities and events in their home countries when requested by people seeking information for Technical Committee conferences or publications.
  • In Their Home Countries
    • To promote the innovations of technology and pertinent R&D activities from the Technical Committee to their professional fields and other organizations in their home countries.
    • To promote collaboration and involvement between the Technical Committee Working Groups and their national communities including educational institutions, professional organizations and personal affiliations.
    • To encourage involvement and knowledge-sharing amongst scientists and experts in the corresponding relevant fields of the Technical Committee in their home countries.
    • To nominate and suggest appropriate subject experts when required by representatives of the Technical Committee and/or Working Group Conference Program Chairs for a conference organized in their countries.
    • To identify and nominate individuals in the technical community of their home countries to serve on Working Groups of the Technical Committee.

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