Working Groups

A Working Group may be established by the Technical Assembly upon the submission by a Technical Committee of the proposed scope of the Working Group.

A Working Group consists of technical experts selected and assigned without consideration of nationality to work in a specified technical area. The scope of an established Working Group shall be included in the IFIP Bulletin web pages. A Working Group may be dissolved or re-directed by the Technical Assembly upon consultation with, or recommendation of, its Technical Committee.

The members of a Working Group are appointed by the Chairman of TC12, with the approval of the Committee. Membership is not restricted to those who belong to an IFIP Member Society. The Chairman of a Working Group is appointed by the Technical Committee Chairman upon the recommendation of the Technical Committee. The Chairman of a Working Group may designate a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary with the approval of the Working Group.

The term of office of Working Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen shall be three years and may be renewed once only. The term of office for Secretaries is three years which may be renewed without any limitation. The appointment of Working Group Chairmen may be terminated by the TC Chairman upon the recommendation of the Technical Committee.

Publication in the name of a Working Group may be made after review by the TC or SG, subject to submission and approval of the General Assembly. After such approval, the publication becomes an official IFIP publication.

Joint Working Groups

A Joint Working Group may be established by mutual agreement of two or more Technical Committees subject to the following:

  • One of the TCs must be designated as having full responsibility for all matters of administration and finance.
  • The Joint Working Group may report to one or more of its parent TCs on technical matters.
  • The Joint Working Group will be listed in the Bulletin under the TC which has administrative responsibility with a reference to its other parents.

Special Interest Groups

Any Working Group of a Technical Committee may, with the approval of its parent Technical Committee, create or later disband a Special Interest Group. Membership of such a SIG will be open to any scientist or professional who wishes to join subject only to the formal approval of the Working Group Chairman.

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